Friday, May 23, 2014

Lino Prints


To become familiar with basic printmaking history, processes, and artists
To make connections between the Expressionist Art Movement and artists who worked in that style, including artists from our past and present;
To respond visually to artists who work(ed) in the style of the Expressionist Art Movement, by creating a work of art in this style.
To print 2 editions of 2 different drawings/designs, demonstrating understanding of the printmaking process.

One problem that arose for me was an issue of having areas that were supposed to be positive space have a little bit of negative space because some ink had gotten into the area and printed onto the paper. The biggest Issue I had was an issue of getting enough ink on the block, and making a good enough transfer to paper. The last problem I struggled with was keeping the paper clean, but tht just took extra care to ensure it wouldn’t happen.

I am most proud of my ideas for the subject of the print, and the time I spent trying to get quality prints. I like my designs, especially the second one, because I used positive and negative space efficiently rather than lines to depict the objects. Also, I am pleased with the quality of my final prints which turned out very clean and defined.

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